AWS VPC IPAM Tutorial – The Better Terraform Way (7 Steps Faster)

In my previous post covering the basics of AWS VPC IPAM, I promised some Terraform code samples. My Terraform code sample will be based on the AWS VPC IPAM tutorial from the official documentation. As you can already see from the title, the “Terraform way” is 7 steps shorter than the official tutorial and undoubtedly better. The… Continue reading AWS VPC IPAM Tutorial – The Better Terraform Way (7 Steps Faster)

AWS VPC IPAM Basics & Why You Need to be Careful

During AWS re:Invent 2021, David Brown, Amazon EC2 VP, announced Amazon VPC IP Address Manager (IPAM). Why VPC IPAM? VPCs with overlapping CIDRs cannot be peered, and is usually resolved only by destroying and recreating the VPC with the correct CIDR. If there are many existing workloads in the VPC, this process will incur painful migration effort… Continue reading AWS VPC IPAM Basics & Why You Need to be Careful