AWS VPC IPAM Tutorial – The Better Terraform Way (7 Steps Faster)

In my previous post covering the basics of AWS VPC IPAM, I promised some Terraform code samples. My Terraform code sample will be based on the AWS VPC IPAM tutorial from the official documentation. As you can already see from the title, the “Terraform way” is 7 steps shorter than the official tutorial and undoubtedly better. The… Continue reading AWS VPC IPAM Tutorial – The Better Terraform Way (7 Steps Faster)

Initial Thoughts on GCC 2.0 from the AWS perspective

STACK-X Cloud 2021 concluded on 17 November 2021 with a central focus on the new (and hopefully improved) Government on Commercial Cloud, dubbed GCC 2.0. In this post, I will share my key takeaways and initial thoughts of the new features coming for GCC 2.0. Before that, if you are wondering what GCC is, let… Continue reading Initial Thoughts on GCC 2.0 from the AWS perspective

Default Tags for Terraform AWS Provider is finally here

Default tags for Terraform AWS provider had been in the works since I started using Terraform a couple of years ago. Now that it is finally here, does it live up to its expectation? What is Default Tags? Default Tags allows its user to tag all AWS resources that support tags with the exception of… Continue reading Default Tags for Terraform AWS Provider is finally here

The Best Git branching strategy for Terraform is no branching

#disclaimer: Opinions are my own and not the views of my employer We all know that code should be checked into version control. Terraform code is no different. There are so many Git branching strategies available out in the wild, such as the popular Git flow and Github flow. However, when it comes to collaborating… Continue reading The Best Git branching strategy for Terraform is no branching

Easy Terraform GitHub Repository using Terraform

In a previous blog post, I wrote about using Terraform to provision a Terraform remote backend on Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3 and DynamoDB service. This blog post will show you the steps to create a GitHub repository using Terraform. All the code snippets found in this post will also be in my GitHub repository… Continue reading Easy Terraform GitHub Repository using Terraform

Easy Usage of Terraform to create Terraform Remote State on AWS

When you start using Terraform more, you need to understand Terraform State and its importance to your Terraform code. To quote HashiCorp: Terraform must store state about your managed infrastructure and configuration. This state is used by Terraform to map real world resources to your configuration, keep track of metadata, and to improve performance for… Continue reading Easy Usage of Terraform to create Terraform Remote State on AWS

Easy & Free Task Management System ( x Trello)

Trello and are tools that I truly enjoy using frequently. This blog post shows you how to create an easy (and free!) Kanban-style task management system with automatic form submissions ingestion using both tools. What is is self-serviced, and designed for first-time users to pick up quickly without an onboarding guide.… Continue reading Easy & Free Task Management System ( x Trello)