Simple Serverless Telegram Bot with AWS Lambda

Previously, I created a simple reminder application with AWS Lambda and Simple Notification Service (SNS) SMS messages. With so many instant messenger applications these days, it is about time I move away from using SMS messages, specifically to Telegram. Requirements There are no changes to the previous requirements. To recap: To send a text message… Continue reading Simple Serverless Telegram Bot with AWS Lambda

Lessons Learnt: Cloud Resume Challenge

One day, while browsing Twitter (@zhenkai_xyz), I stumbled upon this post by Forrest Brazeal: Although I am not looking for my next job, I thought this challenge seemed rather fun to do. Coincidentally, I am drawing many parallels from the challenge and a personal project of mine. “Feel free to use different cloud providers, DevOps… Continue reading Lessons Learnt: Cloud Resume Challenge

Serverless Wedding Website: Planning & Designing

This will be the start of my Serverless Wedding Website series, where I will be writing about the journey of developing and implementing my wedding website from scratch. The project is still ongoing and will continue to develop as this series continues. <Update on 13th August 2020. The wedding has been postponed due to COVID-19,… Continue reading Serverless Wedding Website: Planning & Designing

Lessons Learnt: CI/CD for React App on AWS S3

When I first started to host my React application (create-react-app) on AWS S3, I would test locally, build, copy the build artifacts into the S3 bucket and commit my code. I wanted to try to set up a CI/CD pipeline for the first time to automatically deploy the artifacts to S3 every time I commit… Continue reading Lessons Learnt: CI/CD for React App on AWS S3

Serverless SMS Reminder – Terraform

I wrote about configuring this simple serverless application in a previous blog post. In this part, I will go through how I turned this into Infrastructure as Code (IAC) with Terraform, and why IAC is truly a game-changer when provisioning Cloud resources. Why Infrastructure as Code? IAC is not new on this blog. I have… Continue reading Serverless SMS Reminder – Terraform